Terms and Conditions
I. Application Procedures
1. Any party who are interested in renting Cyberport's venue (s) (after called Event Organizer) must submit a duly completed application form together with a tentative programme rundown of the event, a scaled layout plan with equipment and lighting arrangements to the office of the property manager EastPoint Property Management Limited (after named "EastPoint") for approval.
2. The Event Organiser will be notified of the application result as soon as the final decision is made. Normally such procedures will be concluded within 7 working days from the date EastPoint received the application form, subject to the completeness of information provided.
3. Once the application is approved, the Event Organiser will enter into an agreement with EastPoint in respect of the venue booking. The agreement should be signed at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the commencement date of the event.
4. The Event Organiser should submit to EastPoint a final and full event scheme including scaled layout plans with equipment, lighting arrangement, electrical loading demand, power consumption requirement, cable size, necessary schematic diagrams and a detailed and final programme rundown of the event for approval at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the commencement date of the event. Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (after named "Cyberport") reserves the right to remove any materials that is not mentioned in the approved layout plan.
II. Payment
1. Security Deposit and 50% of deposit of total license fee must be paid at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the commencement date of the event. The remaining 50% of total license fee should be fully paid on or upon the date of the event. Security Deposit will be refunded subject to the indemnification clause or clear of any possible liabilities. The Event Organiser shall be responsible for the reinstatement cost of the loss or damage of the premises, furniture or facilities during the Event, if any. If the Deposit cannot cover all of the reinstatement cost, the Event Organiser shall be responsible for the balance.
2. Payment must be made in crossed cheques drawn in favour of "Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited" to the address of EastPoint. Postdated cheques will not be accepted. OR Bank in to Standard Chartered Bank Account : 447-1-089231-7. After settle the payment, please fax the bank-in slip with the bank-in date to EastPoint Property Management Limited at 3166 3100.
III. Cancellation / Alteration of Arrangements
1. If the event is cancelled by the Event Organiser after signing the agreement, the total deposit paid will not be refunded. Failure to make any payment on time would also be interpreted as cancellation of the event by the Event Organiser.
2. If the Event Organiser wishes to change the booking time to any time within thirty (30) calendar days of the original booking period, the Event Organiser may do so by serving the EastPoint a written notice seven (7) calendar days before the original booking period. Under this circumstance, 50% of the paid sum can be transferred to meet the new booking charges while the remaining 50% of the paid sum will not be refunded. There is also no refund for other alterations of the booking arrangements.
3. If the Event is cancelled due to a natural disaster such as a Typhoon Signal No. 8 and above or Rainstorm Black Warning, EastPoint will do its utmost to reschedule the Event to a mutually agreeable time. No refund will be made and the EastPoint reserves the right to refuse an alternative event date if its schedule or other considerations do not allow.
4. In case of a booking cancellation arising from an unexpected urgent need of the Venue and associated facilities by Cyberport, the Event Organiser may receive a full refund, without compensation, subject to the arrangements that have been made.
5. Cyberport reserves all rights to alter or cancel the arrangements at any time if any term or condition of the Agreement is breached before its expiry. No refund or compensation will be available or made in such case.
IV. Rules and General Conditions
1. Exhibition Installation and Dismantling
1.1 All exhibits, stands and display items must be prefabricated before delivery to the Area. No production work or painting is allowed inside Cyberport.
1.2 Exhibits and stands may not exceed 2.5m in height unless prior written approval has been given.
1.3 The Area must be fully carpeted and the walls must be protected from damages. Folding chairs are also not recommended to use in the podium.
1.4 Installation and dismantling works may commence at 2000 but must be completed by 0600 the following day. The schedule of the installation and dismantling must be coordinated and approved by EastPoint.
2. Electrical Installation
2.1 The contractor should submit the electrical loading demand, power consumption requirement, cable size, cable routing and necessary schematic diagrams for approval prior to work execution.
2.2 A work completion Certificate (WR1) duly signed by the Registered Electrical Contractor should be submitted the day after completion of work.
2.3 All works carried out must comply with the power company's supply rules, latest IEE wiring regulations, the code of practice for Electrical (Wiring) Regulations, FSD regulations and any other requirement as required by the local Authorities and Utilities.
2.4 Cable (PVC/PVC) used must comply with B.S.6004/6346 450/750V grade.
2.5 Flexible cable used must comply with B.S.6007: 1975 for 450/750V grade.
2.6 A switch of at least 10A rating should be provided to control the on/off operation of all exhibition lighting connected to the floor mounted socket
2.7 Good workmanship and the use of proper material are essential and all workmanship shall be subject to the approval of Cyberport.
2.8 Maintenance of the Event shall be solely your responsibility.
2.9 If a rotating stage is erected an emergency stop button in a prominent location should be provided.
2.10 It is the sole responsibility to carry out the electrical work in accordance with the requirement of Electricity Ordinance Chapter 406, power company's supply rule, latest IEE wiring regulation, code of practice for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations, FSD regulations and any other requirement as required by the local Authorities and Utilities.
2.11 The run of electrical cables between the floor sockets and display components should be minimized. All wiring/cables on the floor should be tightly covered with silver-grey adhesive tape.
3. Music / Voice-Over / Sound / Video / Performance
3.1 Sound emitted from the video display, PA system or any audio-visual equipment must be kept to a level which can be heard only in the immediate area of the Event unless prior written approval has been granted. EastPoint has the right at any time to lower or turn off the equipment if the sound levels, type of and context of sound are considered to be not appropriate.
3.2 The content of any music, voice-over, sound, videotapes and/or performances must be submitted to EastPoint.
4. License & Insurance
4.1 The Event Organiser is responsible to apply for all Government and third party licenses for the Event. Any such management fee resulting from the event shall be borne by the Event Organiser.
4.2 The Event Organiser is responsible to provide a minimum of HK$20,000,000 public liability insurance coverage for the whole duration of the event (not applicable to Meeting/Training/Video Conferencing Rooms). Copies of relevant documents must be sent to EastPoint before the event. Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited AND EastPoint Property Management Limited must be fully indemnified by the Event Organiser of any damages incurred to the venue, facilities, or any injuries to people arising from the Event Organiser's use and occupation of the venue.
5. Others
5.1 The Event Organiser is responsible to keep the Area clean and tidy at all times including floor sweeping or carpet vacuuming. All carton boxes and miscellaneous items must be removed from the Area or kept out of public view.
5.2 Cyberport should be acknowledged as a sponsor in all and any related publicity and display materials if Cyberport is sponsoring any part of the Exhibition.
5.3 The Event Organiser is not allowed to transfer, sublet or share any part of the Area without prior approval from Cyberport.
5.4 Cyberport and its security staff cannot be responsible for the materials and property on display in this Area. Additional security must be hired for the Event at the Event Organiser's sole cost.
5.5 Complimentary parking cannot be made available for the Event Organiser or staff of the exhibiting company. Temporary parking for vehicles loading and unloading exhibition materials can be made available upon request.
5.6 No unauthorized posting of publicity material(s) shall be allowed. Leaflets and promotion giveaways may only be distributed within the Venue. Tenants or visitors should not be intruded upon.
5.7 No direct selling, cash transaction, recruitment, registration or market research study shall be allowed within the Venue or anywhere inside Cyberport without the prior written consent from Cyberport.
V. Enquiries
Please contact Ms. Betty Ip / Ms. Kitty Cheung of EastPoint Property Management Ltd at 3166 3111 or via e-mail: cyberport@eastpointhk.com for any enquiries.